Did you know that brown blood is a sign of stagnant or old blood?
Understand what your body is doing. It is the first meaningful step to finding support and the right help.
Identifying pain locations and cycle symptoms can tell us what’s happening.
You can chart
- Menstrual cycle length
- Moon time
- Ovulation
- Mucus
- Blood colour
- Consistency & flow
- Pain locations
- PMS Changes
Track your own ‘inner seasons’ (how you feel).
To locate your womb
Place your thumbs on each hip bone, then bring your index fingers together over your lower belly. Your womb is beneath your index fingers. Or find your pubic bone and your womb is two finger widths above your pubic bone
How we can help
Fertility Massage includes gentle strokes with specific techniques focussed on abdominal, pelvic and sacro-lumbar areas. Combined with relaxing body massage, we can help period problems and promote a calm healing space. Empowering women with knowledge is vital.