Pregnancy Massage
All 3 trimesters.
Specialised Aromatherapy & Techniques.
Monthly Massage is perfect for healthy mums!
Baby Love
Baby feels touch from 6-9 weeks in utero. Research shows mums massaged in pregnancy have better birth recovery outcomes and more baby touch interactions. Pregnancy Massage helps:
- Reduce swelling and pain
- Relieve fatigue and tiredness
- Improve movement
- Relax mum – feel great!
- Give baby more room to move
- Help organ and structural alignment
Our Massage is all about relaxation, balance and creating space.
Melt tension fast! Hot stones. Warm towels. Delicious oils. Fully adjustable electric table. 75% of women suffer swelling.
Move easier after massage.
Birth is unpredictable. Flexibility and optimism help. Weekly Massage in your final 4 weeks is ideal labour preparation. We share quality info and handy practical tips.

Postnatal Massage
Birth is never easy.
Recovery takes time.
Recovery takes time.
Massage Helps
- Structural & organ alignment
- Birth Trauma & healing
What Hurts
- Necks, shoulders, arms, hands ache
- Backs bent over cots/change-tables
- Sore feet/legs from walking babies
- Brains (and ears) need quiet time
Newborns are held for 40+ hours a week!
Babies are hard work.